Presenters, abstracts, and Papers |
Hideyasu Asahi, Muroran Inst. Tech., Mizumoto-cho 27-1, JAPAN, 050-8585 Kunio Kawaguchi, Muroran Inst. Tech., Mizumoto-cho 27-1, JAPAN, 050-8585 Toshikazu Kuroshima, Muroran Inst. Tech., Mizumoto-cho 27-1, JAPAN, 050-8585 An Attempt to Eliminate Identical Logs in a Large Soil Drilling-log File
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Lien Dang, Vietnam Research Institute of Land Administration Phong Dinh Hong, Vietnam Research Institute of Land Administration Hai Pham Minh, Vietnam Research Institute of Land Administration Metadata for digital topographic map of Vietnam
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Dushmanta Dutta, RNUS, SCE, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand Niu Shulian, RNUS, SCE, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand Keisuke Nakayama, National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management, Tokyo, Japan Impact of Urbanization in Flow Characteristics in an Urban River Basin in Japan using a GIS Based Distributed Hydrological Model
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Kazuyo HIROSE, Nikko Exploration & Development Co., Ltd. Mizuhiko SYOJI, ERSDAC Huynh Thi Minh HANG, VNU-HCMC Nguyen Hoang ANH, VNU-HCMC Tran TRIET, HCMC University Vien Ngoc NAM, Forestry Development Department-HCMC Satellite Data Application for Mangrove Management
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Hidekuni Kikuchi, Earth Remote Sensing Data Analysis Center Hiroshi Watanabe, Earth Remote Sensing Data Analysis Center Hiroshi Ota, Earth Remote Sensing Data Analysis Center Koichiro Mouri, Earth Remote Sensing Data Analysis Center Akiko Arima, Earth Remote Sensing Data Analysis Center Development of PALSAR Ground Data System
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Vinh Cam Lai, Institute of Geography, VAST Duc Hien Nguyen, Institute of Geography, VAST Thanh Tuan Nguyen, Institute of Geography, VAST Manh Ha Tran, Institute of Geography, VAST Thi Hang Nguyen, Institute of Geography, VAST Hanh Quyen Nguyen, Institute of Geography, VAST Developing a inundation simulation model for the central part of Vietnam river basins
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Habib-ur-Rehman M, University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore, Pakistan Noor Muhammad, University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore, Pakistan Srikantha Herath, University of Tokyo,4-6-1, Komaba, Meguro-Ku, Tokyo 153-8505, Japan Katumi Musiake, University of Tokyo,4-6-1, Komaba, Meguro-Ku, Tokyo 153-8505, Japan EMPLOYING GIS, EXPLORING THE EFFECT OF SUB-GRID LAND-USE HETEROGENEITY ON SOIL EROSION AND SEDIMENT TRANSPORT MODELLING
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Habib-ur-Rehman M, University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore, Pakistan Noor Muhammad, University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore, Pakistan Srikantha Herath, University of Tokyo,4-6-1, Komaba, Meguro-Ku, Tokyo 153-8505, Japan Katumi Musiake, University of Tokyo,4-6-1, Komaba, Meguro-Ku, Tokyo 153-8505, Japan MAPPING SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION OF SOIL EROSION AND DEPOSITIONS FOR NORTHERN THAILAND USING REGIONAL SCALE SOIL EROSION AND SEDIMENT TRANSPORT MODEL
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Shinji Masumoto, Dept. of Geosciences, Fac. of Science, Osaka City Univ. Venkatesh Raghavan, Graduate School of Creative Cities, Osaka City Univ. Susumu Nonogaki, Dept. of Geosciences, Fac. of Science, Osaka City Univ. Tatsuya Nemoto, Dept. of Geosciences, Fac. of Science, Osaka City Univ. Naoki Hirai, Dept. of Geosciences, Fac. of Science, Osaka City Univ. Toru Mori, Orkney Inc., Japan Makoto Niwa, Orkney Inc., Japan Akira Hagiwara, Orkney Inc., Japan Norihiro Hattori, E-Solution Service Inc., Japan Multi-language support and Localization of Free and Open Source GRASS GIS
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Susumu Nonogaki, Department of Geosciences, Osaka City University Van Anh Tran, Department of Geosciences, Osaka City University Shinji Masumoto, Department of Geosciences, Osaka City University Venkatesh Raghavan, Media Center, Osaka City University Tatsuya Nemoto, Department of Geosciences, Osaka City University Toru Mori, Orkney Inc., Japan. Makoto Niwa, Orkney Inc., Japan. Akira Hagiwara, Orkney Inc., Japan. Norihiro Hattori, E-Solution Service Inc., Japan. Development of Vietnamese Version of GRASS GIS
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Van Cu Pham, VTGEO, Institute of Geology, VAST Xuan Huy Chu, VTGEO, Institute of Geology, VAST Kim Huong Hoang, VTGEO, Institute of Geology, VAST Xuan Thu Ha, VTGEO, Institute of Geology, VAST Hiroshi Watanabe, Earth Remote Sensing Data Analysis Center ERSDAC, Tokyo, Japan COMPARISON OF ROW CHANNEL AND PHYSICAL INDEX CHANNEL CLASSIFICATION OF ASTER IN URBAN CHANGE DETECTION. THE CASE OF THANH TRI DISTRIC IN SUBURB OF HANOI, VIETNAM
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Venkatesh Raghavan, Media Center, Osaka City Univ Shinji Masumoto, Fac. of Sci., Osaka City Univ Atsushi Kajiyama, Fac. of Sci., Osaka City Univ Tatsuya Nemoto, Fac. of Sci., Osaka City Univ Takashi Fujita, Fault Data Research Center Landslide hazard zonation using the GRASS GIS: A case study in the Ojiya District, Niigata Prefecture, Japan
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Helmut SCHAEBEN, Freiberg University of Mining and Technology Uwe KRONER, Freiberg University of Mining and Technology Marlies ENGELMANN, Freiberg University of Mining and Technology Global Plate Tectonics with GIS
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Y Tran Van, Institute of Geography,VAST Tri Ngo Dang, Institute of Geography,VAST Long Nguyen Thanh, Institute of Geography,VAST Chien Mac Van, Institute of Geography,VAST Hieu Nguyen Cong, Institute of Geography,VAST Resource and Environmental Management Information System for Province Level
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Angelito Turda, Univ. of Tsukuba, Japan Masamu Aniya, Institute of Geoscience, University of Tsukuba, Japan Edgardo Aban, Center for Environmental RS, Chiba Univ., Japan Melchor Deponio, Dept. of S&T, Cordillera Admin. Region (CAR), Philippines Analysis of spatial and temporal changes of forest cover in the Mount Pulag National Park, Philippines
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