Frederic Werner worked at the European Organization for Conformity Assessment (EOTC) from 1997 to 2003 and, until 2016, with the Community for Telecom Professionals (ETIS). From 2016 to 2019, he served as a Senior Communications & Membership Officer at the International Telecommunication Union, and from 2019 onwards, he has been the Head of Strategic Engagement at ITU and the Chief of Strategic and Operations (CSOO) at AI for Good.
At FOSS4G Asia 2023 Seoul, the International Telecommunication Union’s ‘AI for Good’ platform will discuss its practical AI application projects aimed at promoting sustainable development. It will also emphasize the opportunity for collaboration within South Korea’s tech community to leverage AI innovation for national and global development.
Feye Andal is a dedicated leader in the YouthMappers community, taking the lead in expanding chapters across the Asia-Pacific region and providing essential technical support. With a career focused on geospatial analysis, she’s an expert in utilizing open data and open-source solutions. She’s been an active contributor to OSM-Philippines and the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT).
At FOSS4G Asia 2023 Seoul, the presentation will highlight how map-makers like Feye Andal are addressing real-world challenges and shaping the future of inclusive, accessible, and responsive free and open-source technologies using open mapping platforms.