Workshops are half(4 hours) or full-day(8 hours) hands-on experiences with participants following along with an instructor. Workshops will be run by experienced members of the open source community, and sometimes by the actual developers. As such, they are a fantastic opportunity to learn new skills or take your first steps into the world of Open Source GIS.

For workshops, we are offering ‘Bring Your Own Laptop’ style format. We will provide workshop rooms without computers for participants to use. This allows for more participants, but past experience has shown that this may require significant set-up time. Therefore instructors will need to discuss pre-installation requirements with workshop participants. The contact details of the participants will be provided by FOSS4G-Asia Seoul team later.

Instructors are strongly encouraged to use bootable media such as the OSGeo Live USB stick, or cloud server to reduce set-up time and to increase efficiency. Workshops require considerable effort to produce a high-quality workshop. You are strongly encouraged to develop material for attendees to take home with them, such as handouts, a workbook, CD-ROMs, etc.

Please submit your workshop proposal here:

Important Date
● Call for Presentation Deadline: Extended to 24th August
● Review Period: 25th August – 1st September
● Decision Announcement: 4th September
● Full Schedule Announcement: 18th September

If you have any inquiries about submitting your talks/abstracts/posters/workshop proposals, please contact FOSS4G-Asia 2023 Seoul team.