October 12, 2023 FOSS4G Asia 2023 Seoul: Join us in November! Hello, This is FOSS4G Asia 2023 Seoul Team. FOSS4G-Asia is a global platform where scholars, researchers, experts, private developers, and students from across Asia and around the world come together to support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. We aim to discuss the utilization of FOSS4G for sustainable development in areas related to land management, IoT, and artificial intelligence. Various presentations, workshops, and exhibitions covering diverse topics are prepared. We kindly request your interest and participation in FOSS4G Asia 2023 Seoul. ☞ Date : November 28th to December 2nd, 2023 ☞ Venue : Seoul Hall of Urbanism & Architecture, Korea ☞ Organized by : Seoul Metropolitan Government, Korean Society of Geospatial Information Science, Open Source Geospatial Foundation — 안녕하세요 FOSS4G Asia Seoul Team입니다. FOSS4G-Asia는 유엔 지속 가능한 개발 목표 계획을 지원하기 위해 아시아 지역과 세계 각지의 학자, 연구원, 전문가, 민간 개발자, 학생들이 한데 모이는 글로벌 플랫폼입니다. 국토관리, IoT 및 인공 지능 사용과 관련된 영역에서 지속 가능한 개발을 위한 FOSS4G의 활용에 대해 논의하고자 합니다. 다양한 주제를 다루는 발표, 워크샵 그리고 전시 등이 준비되어있습니다. FOSS4G Asia 2023 Seoul에 많은 관심과 참여 부탁드립니다. ☞ 일시 : 2023.11/28~12/2 ☞ 장소 : 서울도시건축전시관 및 시민청 ☞ 주최/주관 : 서울특별시, 대한공간정보학회, 오픈소스지리공간재단 #foss4g_asia2023seoul #foss4g_asia2023 #seoul

게시: Foss4g Asia 2023 Seoul 2023년 10월 11일 수요일

Hello, This is FOSS4G Asia 2023 Seoul Team.

FOSS4g-Asia 2023 Seoul is just two months away. We are releasing a beautiful pre-event promotional video using Korean.

FOSS4G-Asia is a global platform where scholars, researchers, experts, private developers, and students from across Asia and around the world come together to support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

We aim to discuss the utilization of FOSS4G for sustainable development in areas related to land management, IoT, and artificial intelligence.

Various presentations, workshops, and exhibitions covering diverse topics are prepared. We kindly request your interest and participation in FOSS4G Asia 2023 Seoul.

☞ Date : November 28th to December 2nd, 2023

☞ Venue : Seoul Hall of Urbanism & Architecture, Korea

☞ Organized by : Seoul Metropolitan Government, Korean Society of Geospatial Information Science, Open Source Geospatial Foundation

You can also watch the video on the FOSS4G Asia 2023 Seoul Facebook page!

☞FOSS4G Asia 2023 Seoul Facebook : https://fb.watch/nEukkMX6Ei/

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