Showing: 41 - 50 of 57 RESULTS
NewsPress Release

Extensions for FOSS4G-Asia Seoul: Call for Presentations

This is the FOSS4G-Asia Seoul team reaching out to you. The FOSS4G Call for Presentations deadline is extended until the August 24th. Additionally, TGP application is available until August 18th. Please take note of these dates for your applications. We appreciate your interest and participation. Thank you!

NewsPress Release


The FOSS4G-Asia 2023 organizing committee wishes to announce the third David A. Hastings Award for exceptional contributions to the Free and Open Source Solutions for Geoinformatics (FOSS4G) communities in Asia. If you would like to nominate someone for the award, please send your nominations directly to Venkatesh Raghavan, Chair, David Hastings Award Committee, at …


SIIS – Gold Sponsors!

Announcement from the FOSS4G-Asia 2023 Seoul Team:We are pleased to inform you that the Gold Sponsor for our event is ‘SIIS.’ Thanks to the generous support from ‘SIIS,’ we have even higher expectations for the successful hosting of FOSS4G-Asia 2023. With this sponsorship, we are dedicated to making the event a meaningful gathering, engaging even …


Tadpole Hub – Bronze Sponsor!

Announcement from the FOSS4G-Asia 2023 Seoul team: We are pleased to introduce the Bronze sponsor, ‘Tadpole Hub.’ We extend our sincere gratitude for the meaningful support from ‘Tadpole Hub,’ and we are dedicated to making every effort to ensure that our event flourishes with your interest and backing. Once again, we thank you for your …


INNOPAM – Silver Sponsor!

Greetings from the FOSS4G-Asia 2023 Seoul team! We are delighted to introduce ‘INNOPAM,’ our Silver sponsor for FOSS4G Asia 2023 Seoul. The support from ‘INNOPAM’ has been instrumental in enabling us to provide a diverse range of programs and enriching experiences. Witnessing our event come to fruition successfully under the interest and backing of all …

NewsPress Release

OSGeo has approved FOSS4G-Asia TGP funding request!

FOSS4G-Asia Seoul team is very delighted to share the great news that the OSGeo Board has approved the FOSS4G-Asia Seoul team’s Travel Grant funding request for USD 5,000! The FOSS4G-Asia 2023 Seoul team is diligently working on raising the Travel Grant fund to assist individuals from Asian countries who may not be able to attend …