Sustainable Initiatives – FOSS4G Asia

Sustainable Initiatives – FOSS4G Asia

1. No plastic bottled water
There will be no water in fancy plastic bottles at the conference. We will give a glass bottle [only one] for participants at the registration desk. Please re-fill and reuse the bottle through out the conference and hand it back to us at the end of the conference.

2. No food left behind
Your role in preventing food waste, at the conference, is to eat up. Please plate according to your appetite. Any leftovers, when the time is over, will be given to the university students.

3. Hand over those name tags
If you bring your name tag home as a souvenir, that’s fine with us. But if you have no use for it, please hand name tag back to us at the end of the day. Then we will re-use name tag  for another event.

4. Less printing
There will be no printed programmes and conference proceedings (will give USB). All essential information will be sent to you digitally, display in conference common notice board and available at conference web site.

5. Save energy

Please take the stairs instead of the elevator to save the university electricity during the conference. The elevator uses a huge amount of energy to move just the .one person. If you are considering taking the elevator alone, you should take the stairs.

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