Web Based GIS Application for Spatial Natural Resources Information System Using Effective Open Source Software and Standards

Presenter : B.Lakshmanna

Type:  Poster

There is growing need for web based GIS for easy and fast dissemination, sharing, displaying and processing of spatial information which in turns helping in decision making for various natural resources based applications. Focuses on the development of GIS tools and wireless Internet Map Server (IMS) services to facilitate environmental monitoring and management tasks. In order to make a cost effective implementation, operation and maintenance of spatial information over the web, a cheaper yet feature rich alternative to commercial software is required which can be fulfilled by Open Source GIS software. This paper conveys an efficient approach to customize and integrate an open source web GIS system based on Map server as a web GIS server and Postgre SQL/Post GIS as an object oriented relational database management system (ORDBMS) for effective dissemination, sharing and management of spatial information over the internet. By developing and testing wireless web-based map/image servers, GIS applications, and global positional systems (GPS) The configurable Web Mapping Client Components (CWC2) tags have been added to HTML template pages in order to deploy the mapping contents to a web application. It is observed that the present system developed using open source software enables user to view, update, customized retrieval, query and analysis of natural resources information for specific needs.

Keywords: GIS; IMS; MapServer; ORDBMS; CWC2; HTML