
The FOSS4G-ASIA 2017 conference aims to provide a forum during three days for wide-ranging discussions on open source geospatial themes and topics. Please consider to submit a presentation proposal in the following areas.

Topics of interest

  •   FOSS4G roots, philosophy, open standards, open data, open knowledge, open collaboration
  •   FOSS4G Project Status Report, New Developments and Road-map
  •   Open Data – Technology, Use Cases and Data Quality
  •   Open Geospatial Standards
  •   Open Hardware Development and Sensor Network
  •   Architectures and Frameworks for Open SDI
  •   Approaches to Combine Open and Closed Software
  •   Mobile Mapping and Location Based Services
  •   Data Visualization and Augmented Reality
  •   Teaching Geospatial Sciences with FOSS4G
  •   Community Building and Citizen Participation through FOSS4G
  •   Disaster Management and Mitigation with FOSS4G
  •   Improving Quality of Life and Sustainability through FOSS4G
  •   FOSS4G in Local and Regional Administrations
  •   FOSS4G Application Examples in Health, Water, Energy, Air-quality, Climate Change,Transportation, Agriculture…
  •   Doing Business with FOSS4G
  •   Implementing novel geospatial functionality using FOSS4G


The FOSS4G-ASIA 2017 conference will also hold a range of hands-on workshops to help familiarize specific FOSS4G tools. Participants can learn and see for themselves the potential of free software tools in their respective areas of thematic interest. The workshop topics include tools from Desktop GIS, Image Processing, WebGIS, Geo-Databases and integration of GDAL.