Android App Code Challenge

WINNER: PARYATAN: an App to Visualiza Tourist Information, submitted by Niroshan Sanjay and Gerald Fenoy

The FOSS4G Asia 2017 Code Challenge – Call for Participation

The following code challenge as a contribution to Android based Open GIS, is proposed. The best contributor reviewed by Peers will receive a citation and a token Cash award.
1. The programmer to agree for, code to be on a suitable Open Source License like BSD etc.
2. The App ‘Paryatan’, will bear the line in it’s manual that it is released in ‘FOSS4G Asia 2017’ by OSGeo India.


FOSS4G Asia 2017 Code Challenge, is aiming at stimulating research and creativity between communities such as spatial computing, GIS and Android. Software / Code is to be generated primarily to facilitate Tourism with a Multimedia guide. Paryatan (Tour-Guide) is an Android smart phone GIS layer (points), with Open Street Maps (OSM) background. The user can tap on a Point of Interest to further enlarge the area with more specific points with a choice of Picture, Audio and Video available upon tapping (Activation).

The Challenge in Detail

This is a very versatile application (works without internet) where in the user can capture, Picture, Audio and Video on specific location.
The pictures: These are georeferenced images and perching them at location is simple.

The Audio and Video:

These cannot be exchanged between users, as on date.

Open Data Kit:

This is a versatile programme which can record Picture,Audio and Video and upload to a website. You need internet to use it as a tour guide, and so it is, not straight forward and easy for our use for this purpose.

Epicollect Plus:

This also is a versatile programme which can record Picture, Audio and Video and upload to a website. You need internet to use it as a tour guide, and so it is, not straight forward and easy for our use for this purpose.
Audio Guides in India;
English and Hindi audio guides are available for Rs:115 (they will keep your ID card which they give back when you return the audio device) which is very good.

A Sketch for the Application:

‘Paryatan'(tourism in Sanskrit) uses existing application like Maps.Me
User downloads, ‘Paryatan’ for the Place of choice/interest.
Example; Paryatan/Pune.
This downloads chosen Multimedia Guide for the City of Pune, Maharastra, India. Tourist can download Audio Guide, Photos and Videos on choice and memory available on the smart phone. Audio guide is available in more than one language.

Crowdsourcing Multimedia Guides:

The ‘Paryatan’, multimedia guides to be made available on a website, with a manual detailing how tourists can use it and how new multimedia can be uploaded through crowdsourcing.

The challenge sets out the following prizes among presented submissions:

First prize: INR 25,000

Submission deadline: 26 January 2017

For More Information On This Challenge: Check this Wiki!!!

FOSS4G has already announced a workshop on pgRouting! The focus will be on how to add new functionality on pgRouting. For more information, checkout the workshop details… Click Here!