Usage & evaluation of Open data in Nizamabad city

Presenter : Pratigna

Type: Poster

Emerging nations are suggested to utilize geographic information system (GIS) for their progressive results in planning as well as in administration. The main advantage with GIS is retrieving information.  Although GIS enable data about public amenities i.e. schools, hospitals, medicalshops, public toilets, fair price shops and etc. are not easy from Government agencies alone. Digital globes like “Open Street Map” (OSM) and “World Map” are Open Source Software offering plethora of user friendly GIS features i.e. open data by facilitate to make it as possible. Open source alone is open-to everyone to access then to use and republish without any restrictions. Present study emphasizing to develop a Web GIS tool for retrieving information using open data. Hosting the geospatial data on web can display geographic location of the features, of which to run to a couple of queries which results to explain how features are spatially distributed. An attempt is made in this paper to show how the available free and open source software (FOSS) GIS tools can be effectively used or believe by the public. This application can help a country man to navigate alone to access the available nearest amenity. A part from this, decision makers to monitor-update then to facilitate new amenities like public toilets, school, market yards (Rytu bazars) where ever those are needed to establish. This may extend to private companies to find a suitable location for the expansion of their services as well as outcomes. Data which has been used in this application is from OSM and an attempt is made to estimate the authenticity of OSM data in Nizamabad city.