PINOGIO-Open Source Based Web Map Visualization Platform

Presenter : Geun-bae Kim

Type: Oral

-A Simple way to create and share maps by OpenLayers

Currently, various companies from all over the world are offering Web Map Service of quality. Web Map Service provides spatial data through the web. In this flow, my team developed Web Map Visualization Platform. This platform is called PINOGIO. By using open data or private data, PINOGIO makes your own map, then you can share it with people. This platform differs from others by focusing on visualization of map data based on our engine GXT. Representatively, AP Service of PINOGIO used apache tomcat, Map of User Interface used OpenLayers, GIS Service used Geoserver and GXT, and Database Server used PostrRSQL, respectively. Also, through the various data format, PINOGIO can uproad open data easily.

PINOGIO is divided into three service categories which are Data, Layer and Maps.

Firstly, Data uploads GIS format data and text data including location information. Then you can access the type of data, spatial information and so on.

Secondly, Layer creates new layers whice are based on uploaded data. Then, through GXT, which is a powerful geoprocessing engine, layers create various intuitive infographic maps.

Lastly, Maps provide various map templates to create your own map with layer you made before. Also it supports various selection such as add, order, legend, control, etc.

Maps created through these procedures can be shared by the unique URL.