MIGRATE: gamification approach to raise awareness about the migration phenomenon in Europe

Presenter : Candan Kilsedar

Type:  Poster

“MIGRATE – MIGRation pATtterns in Europe” is a Web mapping application, developed with a gamification approach using open data. The purpose is to educate the players and raise awareness about the migration phenomenon in Europe. A second goal is to derive insights related to the perception of migration by analyzing the collected data. The development of the application is funded by the third call of MYGEOSS project (http://digitalearthlab.jrc.ec.europa.eu/mygeoss/info_thirdcall.cfm) by the European Commission – Joint Research Center (JRC).

Playing the trivia game (http://geomobile.como.polimi.it/migrate/game/) requires a free and anonymous registration, during which nickname, password, gender, age, country of origin and education level are asked. Each game is composed of six migration-related questions and to answer each question limited time (30 seconds) is given. Two out of six questions depend on the user’s country of origin, the other two are related to Mediterranean area, and the last two concern the world. Moreover there are two multiple choice questions, one true/false question, two map-based questions (where the player should answer by selecting a country on the map), and one text-based question (where the player should type a number to answer). Each question is randomly selected among twenty questions, taking into consideration the geographical region it relates to and the type. After answering each question, the correct answer is shown and a link to the data source relevant to that answer is provided. Each type of question has a different weight according to its level of complexity and the time taken to answer the question is also weighted in score calculation. The scores calculated in this way are averaged and to encourage playing extra points are given after multiple number of plays.

All the data sources used (http://geomobile.como.polimi.it/migrate/data/) are available under the conditions of full and open access. The profiles of the players, the questions and the answers are stored in a database to be analyzed. The analysis is made to observe how the perceptions change based on the player’s education level, gender, or the country of origin, and the general accuracy of the perception related to the migration phenomenon in Europe. The data collected are made available to download under the CC BY license.

The application uses only free and open source software. Django framework is used to handle data models and create database tables based on these models in PostgreSQL. The requests made by the client are also handled by Django. The GeoJSON layers are stored on the server and rendered using OpenLayers 3 on the client. The source code is hosted at https://github.com/kilsedar/migrate, available under the EU Public License (EUPL).

Keywords: Web, gamification, open data, migration, crowd-generated data