Mapping efforts in an unsurveyed land – Koorachundu Village Panchayat experience.

Presenter : Jaisen Nedumpala

Type: Oral

Local governments are the custodians of asset registers which contain the details of basic infrastructure including road networks and other public facilities they maintain. Local governments are also the first respondents in case of any hazards, in practical sense. Central govt guidelines to formulate projects requires GIS to be applied for the sake of accuracy and precision. But village panchayats can’t formulate GIS projects due to two government circulars. The state of affairs at Koorachundu Village Panchayat is that we have no cadastral map and no GIS. So, There is a need of baseline GeoData for Developmental Planning and Implementation, administration purposes, and in case of emergencies without hassle.

There is an ongoing work to build an #OpenGeoData repository of the village panchayat. First phase of the work was a successful mapping experiment involving OpenStreetMap volunteers. The base document used was the ward delimitation document of 2010. The field survey was done using the GPS enabled Android smart phones. Only Open Source Software tools were used for this entire experiment. After uploading and editing all the data in OpenStreetMap, it was processed using QGIS. The Village Panchayat got a more accurate map. The second phase of this work is on progress, involving the surveyors from the Dept. of Survey & Land Records and the authorities at the revenue village offices of the area. The joint field verification efforts in the Village Panchayat with these authorities and village panchayat is finished, and under the verification of the state government.


openstreetmap, Open Source, ICT4D, OpenStreetMap GeoData, localadministration, panchayat, localization