FOSS4G for K-Smart City under the New Urban Agenda

Presenter : Junyoung Choi

Type: Oral

After the adoption of UN Sustainable Development Goal 11 (SDG) and New Urban Agenda (NUA) are adopted respectively at the UN general assembly in New York, 2015 and UN HABITAT III conference at Quito, Ecuador, 2016, these global goal and agenda become a guideline for the sustainable urban development and management. FOSS4G is getting more attention for achieving these goal and agenda because in nature this facilitate the utilization of geospatial data and technology with openness. In this regard, smart city which is considered as the solution for the urban phenomena in urban context and the implementation in the NUA can be achieved using the FOSS4G, too.

In this presentation, firstly, author describe the Korea Smart City (K-Smart City) and deduct the FOSS4G framework for the K-Smart City using the focus group interview by showing them the conceptual model of the FOSS4G framework for the K-Smart City. Secondly, author evaluate this model from the variety of perspective of NUA from resilient, equitable to affordable, etc. Lastly, role of central and local government in implementing this framework will be discussed.