Climate Change Impact Analysis on Watershed using QSWAT

Presenter : Nageswara Reddy N

Type: Oral

Climate change impact analysis of watersheds is important, since most of the processes in the watershed affect the agricultural practices. Hydrological modelling is a useful tool for understanding and managing the watershed problems. There are various hydrological models available for computing the hydrological regime of watershed, but very few are open source. This study focuses on analysis of future climate change impacts on a watershed, using climate model data and open source hydrological model like Soil and Water Assessment Tool (QSWAT). The data required to simulate hydrological processes using QSWAT such as Digital Elevation Model, land use map, soil map and climate data of the study area are prepared. The required climate parameters like maximum temperature, minimum temperature and precipitation are obtained and bias corrected for the study area. Simulations are run for present and future climate conditions. The climate change impact analysis like anomalies and trends in the hydrological regime of the watershed are carried out based on QSWAT simulation results.

Key words: Climate change, Watershed, QSWAT, Bias correction, Anomalies