About Organizers, Sponsors and Exhibitors |
The Japan-Vietnam Geoinformatics Consortium (JVGC) was founded in 2001 to develop and promote Geoinformatics applications and foster cooperation in application of Information and Communication Technologies to problems and issues related to our natural and social environment. To achieve these aims, the JVGC:
- support capacity building through organization of symposia, workshops and fieldworks.
- share information resources and know-how in Geoinformatics
- support the conduct and implementation of joint research and projects in Geoinformatics
- promote exchange of information and academic publications
- develop a human resource network to support development and growth of Geoinformatics
Click on this link to visit the DUE Website
University of Science and Technology (DUT), one of the members of The University of Danang, has missions of training doctors, masters, engineers for various engineering majors, carrying out scientific research and technological transfer, promoting cooperation in education, scientific research and technology development with universities and science-technology organizations in the country and all over the world. DUT at the moment has about 400 teaching and scientific research staffs who are confident and qualified in various majors. DUT scientist community’s accomplishments are recorded with Technology and Science Prize of Francophone Universities Association (AUF) in 2003, four Industrial Property Patents granted by Ministry of Science and Technology in the years of 2003, 2006, 2007; one Industrial Property Patent granted by French government in 2004.
Click on this link to visit the DUT Website
Call for Sponsors, Exhibitors and Advertisers
The conference registration fee has been kept low to encourage widespread participation. This is important in particular for applicants from less well-endowed countries, private individuals and students. Special efforts will be made during the conference to foster technology transfer to developing countries especially in the Southeast Asian region. Sponsors can provide funds to cover general conference expenses or provide much needed travel grants and support waiver of registration fee for deserving applicants. To become a sponsor,exhibitor or advertiser, please
Contact the Conference Coordinators.
Information for Sponsors, Exhibitors and Advertisers
Sponsorship/Exhibitor/Advertiser Deadline: October 31, 2014
Click on this link to find more information about sponsorship fee, benefits, exhibition booth rates and Advertising rates.