Time is critical in preparing for your oral presentation, which will be no longer than 15 minutes. Keep in mind that during this allotted time, you will be able to speak only approximately 1,000 to 1,500 words. Rehearse your presentation before making your presentation.
Audio-Visual Equipment. The presentation room will be equipped with a laptop PC and LCD projector. There will also be a microphone and a standing lectern.
Preparing your Presentation. The oral presentations will be given in a medium lecture hall (seating up to 150 people), so it is imperative that you follow the suggested guidelines in the preparation of your presentation. You need to make sure that a large audience will be able to see and read your visuals clearly (the font size should be at least 22 pt.).
Other information
1. You will have a 20-minute time slot for your presentation (15 Minutes for Presentation and 5 Minutes for Q/A). You will not be able to extend your time if you have technical problems during your talk. A technical assistant will be on hand for equipment problems, but not for equipment operation; the computer will be operated by the presenter himself.
2. Presentations MUST be submitted at the registration desk 3 hours prior to the session. Name your file with the last name of the first author, paper code number and the day and time of the presentation (e.g., Jayasinghe-ID43-3DEC14-13:00). (Note: Day and time information will be available on the conference website). Having the presentation files loaded in advance will help to ensure that the sessions run on schedule without delays. Please consult the registration desk staff for instructions on where to load your file.
3. Bring one extra-copy of your presentation to the conference on USB media storage device. This copy is to be used as a backup by you and the session technician if needed.
4. Conference organizers will load all presentations on conference computers.
For any query regarding oral session contact the Technical Support Team at Technical Desk