Topic:Open Source GIS stalk for data Hub: flexibility, performance and effectiveness.
Presenter : Nicolas Gignac
Type: Oral
Around the world, organisations are having success by integrating multiple solutions into their technological, business and operational process. This presentation will highlight different technological architectures: back-end and front-end of organisations in Emergency Management in Quebec (Canada) and Public Health Management in Nigeria.
This stack of software used (PostGIS, GDAL, MapServer, OpenLayers, GeoExt, OSRM, CKAN, GeoNetwork) is supporting all together their GIS hub service by networking these organisations to partners which needs to access up-to-date GIS data for diverse internal and external client\’s.
The main advantages of this model are flexibility in serving data / developing solutions, interoperability with both FOSS and proprietary software, open to multiple sources of data (government, private companies, local authorities), fast server-side response, web distribution of server/service in different locations, full integration of different types of services to meet varied user needs and all this at a low cost for Hub or cloud deployment environment.