Travel Grant – FOSS4G ASIA 2023 Toward Future of FOSS4G in Asia Sat, 22 Jul 2023 05:05:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Travel Grant – FOSS4G ASIA 2023 32 32 OSGeo has approved FOSS4G-Asia TGP funding request! Sat, 22 Jul 2023 05:05:46 +0000 FOSS4G-Asia Seoul team is very delighted to share the great news that the OSGeo Board has approved the FOSS4G-Asia Seoul team’s Travel Grant funding request for USD 5,000!

The FOSS4G-Asia 2023 Seoul team is diligently working on raising the Travel Grant fund to assist individuals from Asian countries who may not be able to attend due to financial constraints. The goal is to raise USD 20,000 for the program, and almost half of that amount has already been reached now!

Please share FOSS4G-Asia Seoul’s TGP(Travel Grant Program) ( with your community so that more people are aware of this great opportunity.

Also, we kindly ask for your sponsorship of FOSS4G-Asia 2023 Seoul for the TGP. Your sponsorship will make it a more diverse event and ensure the future of FOSS4G-Asia.

Thanks and see you in Seoul. 0 Announcement of Travel Grant Program Tue, 20 Jun 2023 07:45:00 +0000

FOSS4G-Asia 2023 Seoul team is very happy to share the great news that Travel Grant Program(TGP) for FOSS4G-Asia has been launched. We’re aiming to make it a more diverse event by assisting individuals who may not be able to attend due to financial constraints. For details, please see

We kindly request you to help spread the word within your community to ensure that as many people as possible are aware of this fantastic opportunity. FOSS4G-Asia 2023( will take place in Seoul from 28th November to 2nd December, 2023.

See you in Seoul!

FOSS4G-Asia 2023 서울대회에서 참가자 여행경비지원 프로그램을 마련했습니다. 오픈소스, 오픈데이터 등의 분야에서 많은 활동을 하고 있으나 경제적 사유로 참가가 어려운 이들의 참가를 돕기 위한 프로그램입니다.

주로 개발도상국 학생, 여성 등의 소수자를 위해 지원할 예정입니다. 주변에 자격이 될 만한 분들이 있으시면 이 좋은 소식 알려 주시기 바랍니다. 자세한 내용은 을 참고하시기 바랍니다.


2023년 6월 20일
FOSS4G-Asia Seoul Team

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