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Conference Program Tue, 10 Jul 2012 10:03:41 +0000 Praesent id adipiscing nisi. Nunc odio nibh, interdum quis luctus sit amet, faucibus sed diam. Phasellus mauris dolor, dapibus nec suscipit nec, ultrices sit amet nisi. Morbi eget mi id mi pellentesque egestas. Nullam ultrices accumsan dui. Curabitur eu neque felis.

Heading 3 example

The featured speakers will address many aspects of risk-taking, innovation and invention, including:  entrepreneurship, leadership, organizational design for innovation, digital frontiers, integration innovation and risk-taking in library education, and designing learning spaces that inspire creativity.  Our featured speakers’ presentations will be inter-mixed with lightning rounds, posters, and panels by colleagues from across academic libraries presenting innovative applications that will inspire you.

Agenda block example

Day 115 December 2018

12:30 — 14:55

Event Description

Room A-18

15:00 — 16:25

Per ferri adhuc delenit ne. Eu tale minimum delectus mea, nec ut omnium tamquam inermis. Quo ex facete convenire, ad his noster aliquip. Nusquam adipisci referrentur ei pro. Pri ne aeterno tritani.

Room A-18

16:30 — 16:55

It’s a lunch or dinner time. Get some rest!

17:00 — 18:25

Event Description

Room A-18

Day 216 December 2018

12:30 — 14:55

Event Description

Room A-18

15:00 — 16:25

Event Description

Room A-18

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Corporate Sponsorship Program Sun, 08 Jul 2012 08:07:50 +0000 In an effort to host a quality event and to maximize participation, the conference organizing committee has created a Corporate Sponsorship Program to obtain additional support for conference operations and to provide scholarships for librarians and invited guests who may need financial assistance to attend the conference.

We will provide placement of your corporate logo on the conference website (before, during and permanently archived after), in the conference program, and on poster displays during the conference. In addition Platinum Sponsors will have their product brochures included in all participant packets. Your attendance at the event and your organization’s sponsorship support will be much appreciated. Conference registration fees for company representatives are not included with this sponsorship.

Sponsorship Levels:

  • Platinum = $1,000
  • Gold = $600
  • Silver = $400
  • Bronze = $200

We will provide placement of your corporate logo on the conference website (before, during and permanently archived after), in the conference program, and on poster displays during the conference. In addition Platinum Sponsors will have their product brochures included in all participant packets. Your attendance at the event and your organization’s sponsorship support will be much appreciated.
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Important notice

Conference registration fees for company representatives are not included with this sponsorship. We will provide placement of your corporate logo on the conference website (before, during and permanently archived after), in the conference program, and on poster displays during the conference. In addition Platinum Sponsors will have their product brochures included in all participant packets. Your attendance at the event and your organization’s sponsorship support will be much appreciated. Conference registration fees for company representatives are not included with this sponsorship.

If you have additional questions, please contact Roy Zomler at 851-642-1022 or

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